There seems to be a new trend in the world of books and film. Okay, there are actually two trends. The first is the new explosion of films and books based on the following formula: occult creature + semi-erotic teen romance = franchised genre success. The second trend is based on another, slightly more complicated formula: erotic teen movie about occult creatures - (filmstock + script format) + new title similar to film title = new successful teen book series.
In following with the aforementioned formulae, I would like to propose a new franchise upon which to build mounds of books and quickly-thrown-together films. The idea will utilize the unfairly overlooked occult creature created by the legendary Dr. Victor Frankenstein. I'm not quite sure of a title at this point, but as the trend seems to dictate that it be related to an aspect of the creature's mythos, I'm thinking maybe "Fire, Bad!" The plot would go something like this:
Dr. Frankenstein moves to a small Midwestern town with his "son", whom he assembled from body parts of deceased people and brought to life using electricity. The young man attends the local high school, where he is a sort of outcast, but since his origin is secret, everyone assumes it is because he's the only Jewish kid in the school. The attractive young girl, Bonita, finds herself attracted to the strange, baritone-voiced young man. The two meet when Bonita is being harassed by a few of the football players. Hearing the commotion, young "Frank" approaches the culprits and rips their arms off. Bonita, impressed and more curious, follows Frank around, knowing that something is different about him, very different. She finally corners him and asks if he would like to go to a party, and he reluctantly obliges. Once at the party, the sight of the bonfire that the students have created causes young Frank to inexplicably go crazy and tear apart the host's house.
Bonita confronts him the next day, and lists the curious traits that have confirmed her suspicions:
Bonita: You're skin is green and rough, you have bolts in your neck, you're inexplicably scared of fire...
Frank: Say it...
Bonita: Frankenstein's Monster!
The forbidden love just flows from there, folks. Bonita falls madly for Frank, but there are so many hurdles. He's dead and has the intelligence of a 6 year-old child, her parents, being slightly anti-Semitic, disapprove of Bonita being with a Jewish boy (but they'd be more angry if they found out that he was an amalgam of dead people). Frank is afraid that he'll rip the young girl's arms off if he gets too excited, and the townsfolk have started getting suddenly angry and showing up at the Frankenstein residence with pitchforks and torches. It's a can't miss summer blockbuster. Girls, drag your boyfriends to the theater!
Note: This post is a special dedication to my girl, who would appreciate the light Semitic humor, and the obvious sarcastic pokes at the main "dialogue" in a certain famous vampire movie (no, not Blackula, but close!).
7 hours ago
This is my favorite post EVER.
ReplyDeleteHi-freaking-larious! Wow. It's sure to land someone a huge sum of money some day. I, too, appreciate the light Semitic humor. Very funny.
ReplyDeleteWhy Frankenstein? I find the Mummy waaaaaaaay sexier. Get on it!